Trouble is, "advocating for themselves" is one of the core challenges that many, if not most, students with autism (and their families) struggle with on a daily basis. Comes with the territory. So even if they've already passed the entrance exams, have a good grade point, and are capable of understanding college-level material, if they can't walk into the office of disability services and ask for the specific services that would help them, they're at a distinct disadvantage.
Trouble is, we have a little perfect storm brewing on the horizon: increasing numbers of students with autism entering college--primarily community colleges--and faculty, staff and administrators, including those in offices of disability services, who are woefully unprepared for these students. I suspect many of those professionals don't necessarily feel the need to be prepared. After all, the onus is now on the student; it's the student's responsibility to acclimate to college life, perform well academically, and practice self-determination skills. While that's true in part, I think it's tremendously short-sighted and sets these students (and colleges) up for frustration and failure. It's a big loss, since so many of these students have so much to contribute.
It's true, though, that just as in the neurotypical world, not all students with autism are savants and geniuses. Many of them, FF included, fall into that capable-but-not-excelling, middle-of-the-road category (at least right now). You can debate whether or not he deserves to be in college; he and thousands of other Indiana community college freshman are in the same boat, floating on a sea of okay grades and positive end-of-course assessment scores, but for a variety of reasons, still in the community college harbor and not out on the state college or other 4-year college ocean. The point is that he recognizes college can give him opportunities--better jobs and a possible career, certainly, but more importantly to him right now, a chance to be with "regular" kids his age. College, more than anything, will allow him to continue to be in the real world with his peers, at least for awhile longer. Look at that sans the autism diagnosis and isn't that really what community college is all about?
So here's my top five list of what FF needs to be successful in college:
1. Awareness and Encouragement. Staff members who will welcome him, say hi in the hallways, recruit him into a club, ask for his input or help, laugh with him, etc. People who actually want him there and appreciate his interest in economics or his ability to tell you the Academy Award winners and nominees for 2007. His anxieties are pretty high and he feels like he doesn't fit in anywhere. If a staff member on campus can build a rapport with him, it'll help a great deal. Training for key staff in the characteristics of high functioning autism and Asperger's as well as effective supports would be extremely appreciated.
2. Peer mentoring. Students who are willing to take a student with disabilities on a campus tour, have lunch, meet after classes to hang out, go to a movie, attend a meeting with a professor for moral support, send occasional "how's-it-going?" emails, etc. A friendly familiar face in the hallway can be so crucial, but in community colleges that are most often commuter schools, students come and go. They don't always stick around to socialize. It would go a long way if student retention and/or disability student offices could actively recruit students--males as well as females, please!--to help students with disabilities fit in to campus life.
3. Tutoring. Most colleges have tutoring offices. In our case, however, it's a drop-in tutoring center. We need tutors who understand the executive function and fine motor challenges of students with autism, who often need help keeping track of due dates, assignments, meetings and who struggle mightily with any kind of writing. Ongoing tutor relationships are usually better in that situation--not just whoever's on duty in the center that day. Screening and recruiting good tutors is a real challenge for families. Recommendations from the disability student office would be very helpful.
4. Transportation. Very few students with autism drive. I've been taking him to classes these first few weeks, but it's not an ideal situation. My work schedule is disrupted and he'd be much happier if he were going with a peer instead of (disgusted sigh!) a parent. I so appreciate that our local community college offers free bus passes for students. But in our case, campus is across town, two bus rides away. I'm not sure he can actually navigate that, but in any case, FF will need bus training and/or someone to drive him back and forth. Again, assistance from the disability student office would be very helpful.
5. Assistive technology--in the classroom and at home. FF has a laptop, an iPod and a tablet (though not an iPad). What he doesn't have is training on how to use those things to his advantage, particularly in college. He needs an assistive tech evaluation, recommendations on apps and software that will best support him, and training on how to use those things. And NOT training from parents who are hopelessly, notoriously uncool. For the sake of peace on the planet, this kind of assistance needs to come from a trained third party. The folks staffing the office of disability services also need to be aware of what works and what campus, local and state resources are available for students. And just FYI, when you're handing a student a stack of lined carbonless paper for notetaking, I would suggest you need a tech update.
For now, I'm going to side-step the question of who should pay for these services. (Encouragement, btw, isn't expensive.) I'd just like the services to be available to students with disabilities and their families making the leap from high school to college. As it is now, families are scrambling to cobble together their own supports. Yes, it's expensive, but it's also time consuming. In too many cases (and I'd like to see some real stats here) I'm guessing there are a number of adolescents with autism at home on the couch watching reruns of SpongeBob or bagging groceries at their local Kroger who could benefit from a college experience.
And, obviously, the list above isn't one-size-fits-all. It would be nice if transition teams could put together a list of needed supports and services and help families learn how to access them BEFORE their student walks into their first college course. A closer relationship between high school guidance counselors who staff those Transition IEP teams and the director of the office of disability services at the local community college could also pave the path from door to door. I'm sure they could learn from each other.
Families out there who've been down this road: How did you make it work? Or, if your student wasn't successful in community college, why? What would have helped him or her? Are there other things that should be added to the list above? I'd love to see Indiana start an online Ivy Tech "user group" for families of students with autism and other disabilities, so that families can learn from each other. Is there such a thing?
i hear you. Max graduates, with certificate, next spring. His outlook isn't even so rosy, yet we firmly believe college of some sort will be eventually be in his future. Meanwhile, we work out the supports to get him away from Sesame Street and Electric Company. . . .